Clear Mind Mike?

Clear Mind Mike?

Firstly, if you have opened this blog post, a big thank you. At the time of this post, I have been laid off for 3 days.

To me, I have the bad habit of getting too locked into work that I never had the time to reflect on anything. Through the past couple of days, I have learned a couple of things.

  1. I have worked in some stressful industries 😂 (Athletics, Politics, and Sales)
  2. Knowing point number one, I am still here, unemployed but at peace.

Those who have worked with me know that I am huge into energy, I am huge into finding unconventional ways to win, and though when times do get rough I still give it my all to win and keep spirits up at the same time.

Hence: Clear Mind Mike

Am I perfect? God no 😂, but I have learned that the ups aren’t forever, but so aren’t the downs. One of the goals of this blog is to talk to like-minded and contesting-minded professionals in different niches. Talking about having a clear mind, but being the best in what you can be overall.

Good with the plan? Me too.

I am 24 at the time of writing and I have a ton to learn, but we are going to do this together. So as this reader-writer relationship grows, at least we will have some fun.

So here’s virtual glass to getting better 🍷


  • Martin Santiago
    Aug 17, 2023

    Hey Mike! I’m super glad to hear your new developments. I can’t wait to see where you’re headed!

  • Yuel Tesfu
    Aug 18, 2023

    I personally am incredibly interested to see how it is you reach your potential. Clear Mind Mike!

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