Get Coached!

I’ve been in the sales game for nearly 3 years, a lot of which was in 3rd party recruiting. My successes in that space helped me get into tech sales, but with all that knowledge I have in recruiting, I feel like there are a ton of careers for which I could still be an asset to still.


I have looked at probably over 5,000 resumes, prepped candidates for over 500 interviews, and was an asset in getting over 30 people offers to some great companies out there. Just because I am out of the game doesn’t mean those numbers have to stop there. My offering is to get the ball moving for those who are looking into new positions.

What I Can Provide:

✔ Resume Coaching/Writing:

Through learning about you and what you want to accomplish, we can work on making a resume that can get some more call back, but also get more jobs to come down your pipeline as well!


✔ Interview Prep

Getting into the game is hard enough, staying in the game and receiving an offer is a different task altogether. I’ve seen quite a couple of hiring manager scenarios and for the job that you want, good preparation is vital.



$ 10

Resume Building

Let's get more call backs and more opportunities coming to you!

  • Resume Coaching
  • Resume Writing
  • LinkedIn Optimization
$ 10

Interview Prep

Keeping great opportunities in your pipeline, so we can get that offer to your inbox.

  • Interview Prep
  • Follow Up Emails
  • Handling Offers
$ 20

Why Not Both?

Both services for your process, have a consultant by your side for that job you want!

  • Resume Building
  • Interview Prep
  • Side By Side Advice
